Metallic Acetate Finish Samples
Metallic Acetate Finish lets your merch designs shine!
If you are looking for a way to set your button designs apart from the rest, try our acetate finish! We print your design on clear acetate which lets the brushed steel body of our button shine through your design. This makes all white areas of your design shine metallic silver. Up close, our metallic finish has a slightly 'brushed steel' look. This option will slightly darken your design as the 'base' color goes from bright white to a silver metallic tone. Black or very dark tones will completely block out the metallic shine as seen below in these sample photos.
Use our one piece minimum quantity to test your designs in both original gloss and metallic finish before committing to a larger order of our high quality custom buttons or other custom merch!
Note: Metallic Finish may show minor blemishes on the metal backing if your artwork has a lot of blank white space. Full color artwork is recommended.
Get your shine on! Metallic finish option now available for all of our custom products! Just select “Yes” for the “Acetate Finish” option at checkout.
For a small upgrade fee, we will print your design on clear acetate rather than white paper. This allows the metallic button body to shine through your design. In turn your design will have a metallic brushed steel look in any places that are ‘white’ in your design.
Light to mid-tone colors will also appear metallic but could look more washed out than when printed on white, as they may become lost against the metallic background.
Black will block the metallic shine completely.
This option will darken your overall design significantly.
Clean vector graphics with lots of high contrast and rich colors and white space will produce the best results.

Digital proofs aren't guaranteed to accurately show the representation of a metallic finish. Since the finish changes based on the light that hits the design, you will experience greater clarity in bright light and lower clarity in dim light.
Accurate color reproduction is not guaranteed when choosing metallic finish as each design varies based on pigment density in your design.
Choose standard finish if this is a concern.