Custom Buttons from $4.99 Free Shipping: FREESHIP (Cont. USA Over $35) Production Time: 1-3 Business Days (Plus Ship Time) Production Notice

Return Policy

You can cancel your order at any time BEFORE we print your design. HOWEVER please note that this could be within moments after ordering. Ordering Help & Proof gives you more time to consider your design before printing. If you have decided to cancel your order before approving the proof this gives you more time to let us know. Please do not place an order with us until you are sure you want what you're ordering.

Damaged or Faulty Product:

We will replace damaged or faulty product within 60 days of delivery. If your order arrives damaged:
1) E-mail with your order number and a photo of the issue.
2) Once we confirm the cause of the error is in our production or shipping methods, we will promptly replace the damaged or faulty product.

Customer Remorse or User Error:

Refunds requested due to customer remorse or user error will be granted within 60 days of delivery. Customers are responsible for returning their complete quantity of new, unused product via the shipping courier of their choice with insurance and tracking. Once the product has been received back and verified, a refund will be applied to the customer's account as a store credit in the amount of 50% of the original order value minus shipping.

Customer errors include, but are not limited to:

  • Typographical errors
  • Incorrect file submission in accordance with our specifications
  • Duplicate orders
  • Misunderstandings of turnaround time stated on our Turnaround page or FAQ
  • Slight color variances within four color (CMYK) industry standards for pleasing color
  • Disregard for cutting and folding tolerances within stated limits
  • Undeliverable packages / 3rd delivery attempts
  • Orders returned without a return merchandise authorization
  • Blank submissions
  • Uneven borders
  • Incorrect image orientation
  • Crop marks
  • Hard to read text and images
  • Missing logos
  • Miniature images
  • Images that are not full bleed
  • Colors that are out of gamut
  • Designs that are outside of our stated safe zone
  • Pixelated files
Pure Buttons Beastie Button Pure Buttons Beastie Mascot