Custom Buttons from $4.99 Free Shipping: FREESHIP (Cont. USA Over $35) Production Time: 1-3 Business Days (Plus Ship Time) Production Notice
Flatten The Curve Button Box

Flatten The Curve Button Box

Help build awareness for the simple steps you can take to reduce the spread of coronavirus (covid-19) in your community. This "Flatten The Curve" button refers to how we can stop the rapid, exponential rise of cases of this disease. This button box comes with 50 Flatten The Curve Buttons and a full color pop up box for retail display. By following simple hygiene and social distancing procedures you can do your part to help beat the virus. This coronavirus button design is printed on our 1.75" Round Custom Buttons with a high gloss finish. These button boxes are offered at a discount from our standard custom button box prices. Browse our selection of free Coronavirus Buttons.

This button design is also available for free, just pay shipping when you add a single Flatten the Curve Button to your cart.

For more information on on how to protect yourself during this global pandemic, please visit

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Most Orders
Production Speed 1 - 3 Business Days
Plus Ship Time
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This button box design comes with fifty 1.75" buttons as seen below. Our durable pin-back buttons are water-resistant and easy to sanitize!

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