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All Reviews For 3.5" Round Clothing Magnets

Below you will find all of our reviews for 3.5" Round Clothing Magnets. All reviews were submitted by customers just like you. If you have purchased 3.5" Round Clothing Magnets and would like to submit your own thoughts, we'd appreciate it. We rely on word of mouth to promote and improve our business and products!

We use Trustpilot to collect verified reviews from customers after they complete an order. Trustpilot reviews are unmoderated and reflect a pure stream of verified feedback from every customer who opts to engage on the platform. You will be contacted by Trustpilot on behalf of Pure Buttons to leave service and product reviews after your purchase.

Reviews for 3.5" Round Clothing Magnets

Legacy Reviews for 3.5" Round Clothing Magnets

Below you will find older "legacy" reviews collected for 3.5" Round Clothing Magnets directly on our site, before we integrated with Trustpilot to collect verified reviews. Take a moment to browse the product photos and thoughts of our customers who submitted reviews with our legacy review system.

Reviewer: Angela from Montgomery AL
Easy Process Ordering from Pure Buttons is very easy. This was my second order. The process was simple, I uploaded my graphic and designed my button. After a couple of email communications with Josh, I placed my order and received my buttons in less than a couple of weeks, if that long. My company manager was very pleased with the buttons. Will definitely use Pure Buttons again next year. Posted:
Reviewer: Cristi Meyer from Cincinnati
Clothing magnets I took pics of each boy on my son’s baseball team and made buttons for each of the moms for Mother’s Day. They all loved them and really loved how they were magnetic and not pins. A mom on my daughter’s volleyball team ordered some and that’s how I found out about them!! Love them! Posted:
Reviewer: Joe Hammond from Point Pleasant WV
Perfect Item was perfect and as described Posted:
Reviewer: Wendy Devereaux from Connecticut
large buttons I needed these buttons ASAP. I have never made buttons before, but they made it easy! The results were amazing! Everyone loved them. I got the magnetic backs and they hold great even with there size. Thank you Posted:
Reviewer: Bella from Illinois
Perfect Very quick, efficient and quality item. Very pleased! Posted:
Reviewer: Edward Woods from San Antonio TX
none I am well pleased with the totality of my experience with this order. Posted:
Reviewer: Gareth from MA
Clothing Magnets Excellent Service, Excellent Product. The Quality of the Clothing magnet is very high. You will not be disappointed. Posted:
Reviewer: Victoria from Texas
Customer Photo: Better than ExpectedCustomer Photo Better than Expected I ordered magnetic buttons for my high school daughters game days and we were ecstatic when they arrived and all so perfect! I have been passing them out to friends and family who are also so happy with the quality. We are looking forward to seeing her Cheer leading adventure and happy to support her every game day with these adorable 3.5" magnetic Buttons with her smiling face! :) Posted:
Reviewer: Nadine from Raleigh
QUICK AND FANTASTIC Job was done quickly and very well. Will use again in future! Good quality buttons. Posted:
Reviewer: Shawn OMahony from Penn Hills PA
Customer Photo: BOB Project Buttons "Bring Out the Best"Customer Photo BOB Project Buttons "Bring Out the Best" Love the buttons we ordered - I have already passed on info to others to order. We are using ours for a parade. The 3.5 inch magnetic buttons are excellent for this. Posted:
Pure Buttons Beastie Button Pure Buttons Beastie Mascot