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All Reviews For 1.75" x 2.75" Rectangle Clothing Magnets

Below you will find all of our reviews for 1.75" x 2.75" Rectangle Clothing Magnets. All reviews were submitted by customers just like you. If you have purchased 1.75" x 2.75" Rectangle Clothing Magnets and would like to submit your own thoughts, we'd appreciate it. We rely on word of mouth to promote and improve our business and products!

We use Trustpilot to collect verified reviews from customers after they complete an order. Trustpilot reviews are unmoderated and reflect a pure stream of verified feedback from every customer who opts to engage on the platform. You will be contacted by Trustpilot on behalf of Pure Buttons to leave service and product reviews after your purchase.

Reviews for 1.75" x 2.75" Rectangle Clothing Magnets

Legacy Reviews for 1.75" x 2.75" Rectangle Clothing Magnets

Below you will find older "legacy" reviews collected for 1.75" x 2.75" Rectangle Clothing Magnets directly on our site, before we integrated with Trustpilot to collect verified reviews. Take a moment to browse the product photos and thoughts of our customers who submitted reviews with our legacy review system.

Reviewer: Anonymous
Customer Photo: PerfectCustomer Photo Perfect Customization process was pretty easy after a bit of poking around (definitely easier with a graphics program of some kind, like GIMP) and the final product looks exactly like I wanted it to! The clothing-magnet back was the entire reason I came to this company, but their quality really is excellent all-around. Posted:
Reviewer: Gerry Foliot from St. Lazare Qc. Canada
Badges (Thirsty Thursday) Thank you for the order very satisfied nice work However shipping to Canada cost me as much as the product. May I suggest in the future do not send it by carrier, but send it in tw0 parcels by us Postage and add that it does not have any re-sale commercial value. I had to pay transport and brokerage fees duty and taxes. binging the total cost way higher than anticipated. Amazon would have been cheaper Thank you Gerry Posted:
Reviewer: Carol from Barney Ga
Customer Photo: Good tags Customer Photo Good tags I love the magnet tags but I hate the fact that I couldn’t use any of the discount codes that were advertised on a 2nd purchase. Posted:
Hi Carol, I'm sorry you had difficulty with coupons on repeat orders. We offer a variety of multi-use PureButtons Coupons on our website including a 15% off all reorders coupon. Thank you for your orders! Always feel free to reach out to customer service if you have an issue during ordering, thanks! The PureButtons Team
Reviewer: Robert from Washington State
Fast service, quality product Placing my order was very easy and a smooth check out, PureButtons was very timely in delivering and the product is good quality. What more could you want from an online service? Posted:
Reviewer: Gabriella T from FL
Great button I was looking for a non damaging button to wear to work with our company logo on it and was very pleased with this product. It came quickly, is great quality, and is easy to put on and take off. I would, and probably will order from PureButtons again Posted:
Reviewer: Jimmie Krueger from TX
Quick turn around I ordered 100 name badges for a quick turn around. The badges arrived earlier then expected but the layout form my original artwork was incorrect. Mistakes happen... I was concerned this would cause a delay I didn't have time for..., when I contacted customer support, they quickly responded and with no complaint or delay said they would correct and ship the corrected badges overnight. They kept their word and I received all new badges with the corrected badges the next day just in time. I am very happy. Thank you for the quick turn around time on order, on email replies and especially on the correction. Posted:
Reviewer: Katie Beth Groover from Morrisville NC
Quality product! I ordered magnetic clothing buttons for a tradeshow. The template was easy to understand, and turnaround was super quick! I did pay to have it rushed, and was not disappointed! Thank you. Posted:
Reviewer: JmDesign from NY
Customer Photo: Best button ever!Customer Photo Best button ever! I'd gotten great and so many compliments from co-workers. Makes it easier for me to know which locker is mine with this magnetic button however I wish the magnetic was strong enough to hold the locker. I have to use strong double sided tape. But doesn't change my opinion for giving them a less than 5 stars. they did an impecable job with my product and I want to say Thank you to AMBER who created my button. Posted:
Reviewer: Edward Woods from San Antonio TX
Excellent Second time I have use PureButtons. I am well pleased with both occasions I have used them. Posted:
Reviewer: Jackelien from Ny
Nice button I love it. Thank you Amber. :D Posted:
Reviewer: Paul Y. from Takoma Park MD
Terrific Service My buttons came quickly, and looked amazing! The art proof department got back to me quickly and confirmed the product was to my specifications. Great service all around, have been recommending y'all to lots of folks. Posted:
Reviewer: Andy N. from Fresh Meadows NY
Excellent Super strong magnets, great overall! Posted:
Reviewer: Margaret Reed from Joshua Tree CA
Professional looking and high quality I ordered 500 "clothing magnets" for the teachers association to wear on a daily basis, and the clothing magnets are perfect for this because they do not damage clothing. These are extremely professional looking and well made. I had a general idea of the design I wanted and within an hour a proof was emailed to me that exceeded my expectations, and I had my buttons in 8 days. I am very pleased with the product and service. Would highly recommend! Posted:
Reviewer: Kati from Long Beach California
Great! Customer service was great, pricing was good, you could order in lower quantities than other companies we found, magnet backs are an option rather than pins, shipping was quick. Overall a great experience! Posted:
Reviewer: Carol Leicht from Phoenix
Great product & service They did a great job from start to finish...product availability, artwork proofing, quick production and shipment. Thank you. Posted:
Reviewer: Ashley from Utah
Quality and fast Great to work with. Proof came within one day and buttons arrived within a week. Posted:
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