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All Reviews For 1.75" X 2.75" Oval Fridge Magnets

Below you will find all of our reviews for 1.75" X 2.75" Oval Fridge Magnets. All reviews were submitted by customers just like you. If you have purchased 1.75" X 2.75" Oval Fridge Magnets and would like to submit your own thoughts, we'd appreciate it. We rely on word of mouth to promote and improve our business and products!

We use Trustpilot to collect verified reviews from customers after they complete an order. Trustpilot reviews are unmoderated and reflect a pure stream of verified feedback from every customer who opts to engage on the platform. You will be contacted by Trustpilot on behalf of Pure Buttons to leave service and product reviews after your purchase.

Reviews for 1.75" X 2.75" Oval Fridge Magnets

Legacy Reviews for 1.75" X 2.75" Oval Fridge Magnets

Below you will find older "legacy" reviews collected for 1.75" X 2.75" Oval Fridge Magnets directly on our site, before we integrated with Trustpilot to collect verified reviews. Take a moment to browse the product photos and thoughts of our customers who submitted reviews with our legacy review system.

Reviewer: DavidR XV from HIghland Park
Customer Photo: Best sellersCustomer Photo Best sellers One of two designs that sell out. I guess people like the smaller magnets. Great quality product by Pure Buttons once again. Very easy to design using their template and easy to order. Posted:
Reviewer: Sally from New Jersey
Magnets Made magnets for my co-workers. The site was easy to maneuver and it was a fun, cute, inexpensive gift. Needed the oval size due to many people in the picture. Posted:
Reviewer: Kelvin Diaz from Lehigh Valley PA
Customer Photo: Love the magnets!Customer Photo Love the magnets! Great magnets! I am a Realtor and use it as advertisement and give them to my clients, will keep ordering, keep up the great work! Posted:
Reviewer: sarah fletcher from Minneapolis Minnesota
First time for everything I am so very pleased with the oval fridge magnets, they turned out clean with a very sharp image. I will be using PureButtons again in the near future. Thank you all so very much! Posted:
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