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All Reviews For 1.5" Round x 1 Button Packs

Below you will find all of our reviews for 1.5" Round x 1 Button Packs. All reviews were submitted by customers just like you. If you have purchased 1.5" Round x 1 Button Packs and would like to submit your own thoughts, we'd appreciate it. We rely on word of mouth to promote and improve our business and products!

We use Trustpilot to collect verified reviews from customers after they complete an order. Trustpilot reviews are unmoderated and reflect a pure stream of verified feedback from every customer who opts to engage on the platform. You will be contacted by Trustpilot on behalf of Pure Buttons to leave service and product reviews after your purchase.

Reviews for 1.5" Round x 1 Button Packs

Legacy Reviews for 1.5" Round x 1 Button Packs

Below you will find older "legacy" reviews collected for 1.5" Round x 1 Button Packs directly on our site, before we integrated with Trustpilot to collect verified reviews. Take a moment to browse the product photos and thoughts of our customers who submitted reviews with our legacy review system.

Reviewer: Tod Machin from Kansas City
Awesome process, product, price and service First time using Pure Buttons. Totally thrilled with the entire experience, start to finish. Second order already placed and received and third project designed and waiting in the wings. Posted:
Reviewer: Sarah from Virginia
Advertisement Buttons I purchased about 2,500 buttons with backing for an advertisement for a class my company was hosting and we could not have been more pleased by the quality! The buttons and backing looked fantastic, arrived in a timely manner, and the extra cost for their design/layout assistance was well worth the money! Posted:
Reviewer: Shannon Freeman from New Jersey USA
Customer Photo: Absolutely Beautiful!Customer Photo Absolutely Beautiful! I could not be happier with my purchase. These buttons came out exactly as I imagined. I'm so glad I opted to buy the single button pack, which adds the cardboard backer. It adds that little extra flair to my buttons and makes them look very professional. I'm so excited to have these available at my next convention, and I have Pure Buttons to thank! Posted:
Reviewer: Diamari from Miami Florida
Exactly As Promised! The buttons we ordered were printed exactly are promised: the correct colors, size, style, and overall wonderful look! Also, the proof process was smooth and the Pure Buttons representative was very helpful with making changes. Lastly, the order was delivered quickly and with no errors. We truly love the texture of the buttons and we are excited to share them with our staff! Posted:
Reviewer: Gregory Anderson from Las Vegas Nevada
Outstanding service Once again, THANK YOU for doing a stellar job in super fast time. My client is ecstatic over the buttons and packs. Posted:
Pure Buttons Beastie Button Pure Buttons Beastie Mascot