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All Reviews For 1" Button Display Boxes

Below you will find all of our reviews for 1" Button Display Boxes . All reviews were submitted by customers just like you. If you have purchased 1" Button Display Boxes and would like to submit your own thoughts, we'd appreciate it. We rely on word of mouth to promote and improve our business and products!

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Reviews for 1" Button Display Boxes

Legacy Reviews for 1" Button Display Boxes

Below you will find older "legacy" reviews collected for 1" Button Display Boxes directly on our site, before we integrated with Trustpilot to collect verified reviews. Take a moment to browse the product photos and thoughts of our customers who submitted reviews with our legacy review system.

Reviewer: Ken from 05404
Great Product, Excellent Turnaround, Outstanding Support. So pleased with the order we received today. Our pinback button display boxes look amazing and we can't wait to get them into the hands of our customers. Also can't say enough about their support staff. Clear, concise, and frequent communication made getting the product dialed in really easy. Can't wait to do the next project. Posted:
Reviewer: KRUD KiD, LLC. from Detroit MI
Customer Photo: Best buttons everCustomer Photo Best buttons ever First turnaround time and great quality definitely will be doing more business real soon Posted:
Reviewer: Kyle Brauer from New York
Customer Photo: Best Sh*t Ever!Customer Photo Best Sh*t Ever! I work for a touring rock band, I ordered these pins for our merch table. EVERYBODY loved these, especially the display box. Amazing everything! Will definitely order more, different ones! Posted:
Reviewer: Good Human Campaign from Georgia
Customer Photo: PERFECTION EVERYTIMECustomer Photo PERFECTION EVERYTIME These button boxes are not only a beautiful addition to a merch table, but the ability to have 4 different kinds in ONE BOX is even better!! Definitely one of my FAVS of my brand! Posted:
Reviewer: Diamond Coles from Georgia
Amazing! Josh was super helpful when I was confused about designing the box. It came very fast and I absolutely loved it! Posted:
Reviewer: Anonymous
Bestseller I don't know how long the box will last but it looked great and the pins sold well! Posted:
Reviewer: ANTHONY M ZART from OH
What more do you want? You get 200 buttons divided into 4 styles — so you have variety. You get this fool-proof dieline to layout your box art. It ships in mere seconds, and takes about as long to "assemble" for display. Oh yeah, and it cost around 50 bux. No brainer. Posted:
Reviewer: JK from San Francisco CA
Exceeded expectations After being burned by other printers (poor quality, poor service) Pure Buttons admittedly had a pretty low bar to pass... but boy did they pass it! The quality of the buttons and box were top-notch, the turn-around and shipping very fast, and the price was on point. I've already placed a second order, and will continue to do business with them in the future. Posted:
Reviewer: Matt Fisher from Columbus Ohio
Awesome! Pure buttons provided a quick turnaround of our box of buttons. The product and display looked great! Will order again in the future! Posted:
Reviewer: Chris S. from Nashville TN
Super helpful! Whoever I was on with this afternoon was patient, knowledgeable and reassuring. They stayed "on" chat for as long as the system would let them until company hours automatically cut chat for the day-but I'm pretty sure he/she stayed put to receive my order. They said they were also in the art dept. and would help get my order through. The only thing I missed was a promo code for a discount on the button box, which was mentioned but never issued-so I don't know if that can be refunded or added to the order at this point-I'm sure my card has already been charged the full amount. Either way, good experience, looking forward to the buttons! Posted:
Reviewer: Lenny from Cary NC
Best Value on the Interwebs! Crazy good quality and service! My go-to source for all my buttony needs! Posted:
Reviewer: Bull Garlington from United States
Outstanding service I love it when I get great service. They people at Pure Buttons were on top of my order from the moment I placed it. Top level communication. Top level online proofing. Easy peasy lemon squeezey. Posted:
Pure Buttons Beastie Button Pure Buttons Beastie Mascot