Custom Buttons from $4.99 Free Shipping: FREESHIP (Cont. USA Over $35) Production Time: 1-3 Business Days (Plus Ship Time) Production Notice
Million Button Giveaway

Free Custom Buttons

* Offer Has Ended

Our free custom buttons offer has now ended. Thank you to all our new and existing customers for trying Pure Buttons! Join our mailing list below to be informed of any future giveaways, offers and new products!

We still have several great coupons to help you save when you order custom buttons!

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*Offer Details: One $24 coupon per unique customer throughout the promotion period. Coupon does not apply to shipping, order modifications, other custom products or taxes when applicable. Coupon must be redeemed at the time of issuance. Coupon credit applies only to orders of custom buttons sized 1.25 inches or larger. "Free Custom Buttons" refers to the custom buttons procured with the promotional coupon. This "One Million Custom Button Giveaway" is calculated as follows: 200 coupons per week for 50 weeks equals 10,000 individual coupons each worth $24, which is equal to the retail value of 100 1.25-inch round custom buttons. If all 200 coupons are redeemed by unique customers each of the 50 weeks, that will equal the retail value of 10,000 orders of 100 1.25-inch round custom buttons apiece, or one million such buttons. If not all coupons are redeemed, or if they are redeemed for different-sized custom buttons, then the number of actual buttons given away under this promotion may be fewer., LLC may release any amount of coupons at any time. Offer will run less than 50 weeks if coupons are released more rapidly than 200 per week. Coupon has no cash value and can be used only to purchase custom buttons from during the promotion period, which runs from October 29, 2018 to October 14, 2019. Not combinable with other offers.

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Million Button Giveaway
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