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Product Sizes in Millimeters

If you are looking for more precise sizing, we have measured all of our products in millimeters to the best of our ability. Due to the nature of the product there may be some fractional variance from edge to edge.

Below you'll find a list of the common names we use for our product sizes, followed by their more precise mm measurements.

Round Products
1" Round (24.33mm)
1.25" Round (31.60mm)
1.5" Round (37.34mm)
1.75" Round (43.60mm)
2.25" Round (55.80mm)
2.5" Round (63.55mm)
3" Round (76.20mm)
3.5" Round (87.74mm)
4" Round (100.17mm)
6" Round (151.15mm)

Square Products
1" Square (25.40mm)
1.5" Square (40.20mm)
2" Square (53.20mm)
2.5" Square (65.80mm)
3" Square (79.60mm)

Rectangle Products
1.75" x 2.75" Rectangle (44.70mm x 68.35mm)
2" x 3" Rectangle (54.30mm x 79.60mm)
2.5" x 3.5" Rectangle (65.30mm x 90.45mm)
1.5" x 4.5" Rectangle (41.70mm x 117.75mm)
2" x 8" Rectangle (51mm x 204mm)

Oval Products
1.75" x 2.75" Oval (45.65mm x 69.95mm)

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