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Product Size Comparison

Often, people ask us what size our products are. While they are all titled by size in inches, 1" round buttons, 1.25" Round buttons, etc, people still don't have a good grasp on what this means in the real world. How do these things look in-hand?

We have mocked up examples of what our products look like next to a perfectly to-scale US quarter. This ubiquitous coin should be on hand for most of our customers in USA. See the image gallery below and get an idea of what size is best for you.

For our Canadian friends, the US quarter is just 0.38mm larger than the Canadian quarter, so you're looking at roughly the same comparison.

For another comparison we have mocked up some of the products that are similar in size to the top of a standard 12oz soda can.

  • 1 inch round buttons size compared to quarter
  • 1 inch square buttons size compared to quarter
  • 1.25 inch round buttons size compared to quarter
  • 1.5 inch round buttons size compared to quarter
  • 1.5 inch square buttons size compared to quarter
  • 1.75 inch round buttons size compared to quarter
  • 1.75x2.75 inch oval buttons size compared to quarter
  • 1.75x2.75 inch rectangle buttons size compared to quarter
  • 2 inch square buttons size compared to quarter
  • 2 inch square button next to standard usa soda can
  • 2.25 inch round button next to standard usa soda can
  • 2.25 inch round button next to standard usa soda can
  • 2.5 inch round buttons size compared to quarter
  • 2.5 inch round button next to standard usa soda can
  • 2.5 inch square buttons size compared to quarter
  • 2.5 inch square button next to standard usa soda can
  • 2x3 inch rectangle buttons size compared to quarter
  • 2.5x3.5 inch rectangle buttons size compared to quarter
  • 2x8 inch rectangle magnets size compared to quarter
  • 2x8 inch rectangle magnets size compared to quarter
  • 3 inch round buttons size compared to quarter
  • 3 inch round button next to standard usa soda can
  • 3 inch square buttons size compared to quarter
  • 3.5 inch round buttons size compared to quarter
  • 4 inch round buttons size compared to quarter
  • 6 inch round buttons size compared to quarter
  • Custom Acrylic Keychains size compared to quarter

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